Malvern Motorhome Show August 2022

Malvern Western Motorhome Show Meet

August 2022


Coming just a few days after the hottest weekend the UK has ever seen, it was nice to start the arrivals day slightly overcast.  However it wasn’t long before the sun came out and more or less stayed out for the whole weekend.  Temperatures not so extreme thankfully.

IHOC were sited behind the stables and we had plenty of room.  Pitches had been accurately marked out by Gary H and his 50m tape. A drone shot captured the scene from overhead.

Friday was a day of purchases from the trade stands, little bits of this and that, let's get a spare you never know …..   As each member came back you could hear cries of “what have you bought?“. However this is the first show that I can remember that no one has come back admitting to trading in for a new IH.   Maybe the price tag on the Mercedes based one on the stand at over £104,000 had something to do with that.   Fiat bases are currently unavailable to the factory and so the more expensive VW Crafters and the Mercedes being used.


In the evening we all gathered for drinks and nibbles, both old friends and some newcomers which was lovely to see.

Saturday saw some taking the bus into Malvern and also some took advantage of the coach trip to Worcester.  Another trawl around the trade stands just in case a bargain missed.  We were also blessed with the presence of Martin from IH who very kindly dispensed his expertise and advice to anyone who needed it.  Just a few things that I know of,  the  large heki blind/insect screen cassette was removed from  Gary and Wendy’s van and re-tensioned, some sort of pin on our washroom pop-up window was fixed, and much time and effort on Myrtle’s battery.  The seat had to be removed and the battery replaced with a new one. 


In the evening we had a quiz night followed by the traditional paper aeroplane race.

The quiz was soundly won by team Aguilera with John Bird busy doing the marking of answer sheets.  Mick Longhurst won the flying race but was nearly pipped to the post by a wayward flight from one of the ladies (Shirley or Pauline?).  However he spent time passing on his skills to a willing pupil in Myrtle so we expect a challenge next time.


Lots of head scratching at the quiz!


Sunday morning we had a coffee gathering with a club discussion which I am sure that Mary Sutton will be reporting on.  Mavis led a thank you to Kath and Lance Conlon for the work that they do for the membership and subscriptions.  A collection was made from the attendees for flowers to be sent.


Prizes were given for other competition winners

Dingbats.  -  Pete and Pauline Ford

TV shows. - a tie between Pete and Pauline Ford, Gary and Wendy H and a late submission from James and Helen De Salis.


All too soon, people were leaving, some on Sunday, the rest Monday morning.  What a lot of goodbyes, many to meet again at Sandhead in October.


If you are reading this, and you have not been to a meet, do give it a try!

Mavis Bird